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Acquisition of Land in Thailand by a Foreign Government

Acquisition of Land in Thailand by a Foreign Government

The acquisition of land or a condominium unit in Thailand by a foreign government for official use, such as for use as an embassy or consulate, is not covered by any specific legislation. Therefore, assuming that a foreign government intended to acquire land or other immovable property in Thailand for official use, such an acquisition […]

Reference Guide for Corporate Buyers of Land in Thailand

Reference Guide for Corporate Buyers of Land in Thailand

The requirements and legal procedures involved in buying land in Thailand as a company (particularly with foreign shareholders) is quite complex. Siam Legal has therefore compiled this reference guide to help its corporate clients prepare the necessary documents and evidence required in order to avoid needless mistakes and costly delays when appearing before the Land […]

Thai Limited Companies: Shareholder Meetings

Thai Limited Companies: Shareholder Meetings

Shareholder meetings are an important element in the management of Thai limited companies, since the authorized directors of the company must manage the company under the control of the meetings of the shareholders. In order to hold a meeting of the shareholders, a meeting has to be called according to the procedure defined in the […]

Withdrawing Shareholder Meeting Resolutions

Withdrawing Shareholder Meeting Resolutions

Shareholder meetings play an important role in the governance of Thai limited companies since the Civil and Commercial Code require that limited companies be managed by the directors under the control of meetings of the shareholders (called “general meetings” in the Code). The primary instrument used by the general meetings to govern the company are […]

Setting Up Company Partnerships under Thai Law

Setting Up Company Partnerships under Thai Law

Setting Up Company Partnerships under Thai Law Siam Legal International | October 10, 2016 | Business in Thailand, Civil and Commercial Law, Company Law, Company Registration The Civil and Commercial Code of Thailand provides for the formation of partnerships as is found in the laws of other countries. However, partnerships are normally not formed by […]

Foreign Currency Requirements for Purchasing a Condo

Foreign Currency Requirements for Purchasing a Condo

The Condominium Act of 1979 is restrictive of foreign ownership of condominiums in Thailand, but generally allows it for foreigners who permanent residents, or those who have entered the country on an investment promotion visa, or for those who have fulfilled certain requirements related to the transfer or withdrawal of foreign currency. In regards to […]

Why People Are Excited About The Return Of The Reliable Nokia 3310

Why People Are Excited About The Return Of The Reliable Nokia 3310

The smartphones that sit uncomfortably inside our pocket are now more powerful than the large desktop computers from 10 years ago. However, many people will tell you that these fantastic advances in technology are not always a sign of progress. For example, anyone that remembers the days when the tank like Nokia 3310 ruled the […]

Billion Dollar Unicorn – Careem Is The Latest Middle East Unicorn

Billion Dollar Unicorn – Careem Is The Latest Middle East Unicorn

According to Juniper Research, the global ride sharing market is estimated to grow to $6.5 billion by 2020 from $3.3 billion in 2015. North America is the biggest region in the industry and is expected to account for a third of the market share. Western Europe and Asia-Pacific, excluding Far East and China, are estimated […]

4-Surprising Ways to Get Your First Few Sales Online

4-Surprising Ways to Get Your First Few Sales Online

I’m going to give you some advice I wish someone had given me when starting out, about making your first few sales online. The first and very most important thing for any startup business is to focus ALL your energy on getting your first few sales, because those first sales will start bringing in cash. […]

We Should Keep First Time Buyers Sweet

We Should Keep First Time Buyers Sweet

It’s clear that first time buyers have very much re-established themselves as a core part of the property market since the recovery started post the credit crunch. The Halifax data clearly shows that FTBs (rightly) decided to rent/stay at home rather than buy during the recession, saving them from potential negative equity issues. This was […]